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Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration

Statewide Alternative Restoration Plan Status

DEP works statewide to encourage local stakeholders to develop Alternative Restoration Plans (4b or 4e plans) at the earliest practical time. Early implementation of restoration activities is more cost effective and may allow DEP to forgo certain regulatory steps - most notably, the development of total maximum loads (TMDLs) and basin management action plans (BMAPs) - thereby focusing limited local and state resources directly on measures that will improve water quality.

Methods for Calculating Project Reductions

Tools and Guidance for Calculating Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP) Reductions for Restoration Projects

This website describes the DEP methods to calculate total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) reductions for watershed restoration, when site-specific information is not available. This guidance and calculation methods are related to the development and implementation of BMAPs, 4e plans, and 4b/reasonable assurance plans (RAPs). 


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